Youth ExChange
Vol. 4, Ed. 3 

Understanding guidelines for Rotary Marks

The following article guides you through some of Rotary International’s policies regarding the use of Rotary Marks, which include program names and logos.

To ensure the consistency of Rotary’s identity worldwide, guidelines have been developed on the proper use of Rotary Marks. Rotary Marks, which are registered in more than 50 countries, include the Rotary name and emblem, along with the names and logos of Rotary Foundation and RI programs. Article 33 of the Rotary Code of Policies outlines Board decisions related to Rotary Marks, and chapter 17 of the Manual of Procedure explains their use and protection.

The Rotary Youth Exchange name and logo are Rotary Marks. The correct graphics are available from the RI website and listed in the RI Visual Identity Guide (547). Here are some of the most important points to consider while creating new Youth Exchange materials or revising existing ones:

  • Organization names: Program names should include a club name, district  number, or other qualifier (e.g., Rotary District XXXX Youth Exchange) to help identify the administrators. Though multidistrict and regional program names vary, they should also contain district numbers, a geographic reference, or other qualifying information that distinguishes them from RI.
  • Youth Exchange websites: Domain names should include a club, district, or other qualifier to clarify that the web address does not refer to or belong to RI.
  • E-mail addresses: Some districts or programs provide volunteers with e-mail addresses. These addresses should also contain qualifying information that distinguishes the owner from RI, such as the name of the district or Youth Exchange program.
  • Youth Exchange logo: RI has created versions of the Youth Exchange logo in black and white, and blue and yellow. These logos are available for multidistrict, district, club, and other Youth Exchange programs to use in promotional materials, official documents, and other publications. The most common misuses of the logo include using non-Rotary colors and altering the size of logo components.

If you have specific questions regarding Rotary Marks, please contact staff at

The role of the counselor


The counselor serves in a role that is both rewarding and challenging, providing a vital source of guidance to the student during an exchange. Andrew Page, of the Rotary Club of Bewdley, Worcestershire, in District 1060 (England), outlines the responsibilities of the Rotarian counselor.
輔導顧問是充滿挑戰又極具回饋感的工作,更是在交換期間肩負指導學生之責的重要角色。英國1060扶輪地區烏斯特郡(Worcestershire)布由德利(Bewdley)扶輪社的Andrew Page,概述了身為扶輪輔導 顧問的責任

Youth Exchange student assists in Chile earthquake relief

In February, exchange student Rickey Bodle (sponsored by the Rotary Club of McMinnville, Oregon, USA) took part in relief efforts led by Chilean Rotarians after an earthquake devastated parts of the country.
今年二月時,美國俄瑞岡州麥克明維(McMinnville)扶輪社贊助的交換學生Rickey Bodle,在地震摧毀智利部分地區後,加入當地扶輪社員發起的救援活動。


Mac student helps with quake relief


In some cities, nearlly every buiding was damaged in the 8.8 earthquake.某些城市的所有建築物幾乎毀於8.8級地震之中。

McMinnville High student Rickey Bodle wasn't alarmed when he awoke in a shaking bed the morning of Saturday, Feb. 27. "Chile is an extremely active area for tremors, so I thought nothing of it," said Bodle, who is spending the year there on a Rotary Club exchange program.

麥克明維高中的學生Rickey Bodle,在227日週六清晨於搖晃不已的床上醒來時,並沒有警覺到發生了什麼事。他說:「智利常發生地震,所以我壓根沒想到」。他參加扶輪社交換計畫而前往智利,預定留在該國一年。


However, the shaking not only continued, it became worse. So he jumped out of bed and headed for the stairs in his host family's house.



As he reached the bottom step, he heard members of his host family screaming for him. "They quickly grabbed me into their tight circle as we all held on to one another," he recalled in an e-mail interview with the News-Register.



His host sister and mother began praying as the earth shook and growled. "It sounded as though the world was falling about around us," he said.



They had just experienced a major earthquake, widely reported as an 8.8 on the Richter scale.



Bodle is staying in La Ligua, about 90 minutes north of the capital of Santiago. The quake's epicenter was off the coast of Concepcion, in southern Chile.

Bodle住在里瓜(La Ligua),在首都聖地牙哥北方約90分鐘車程之處。震央位於智利南部的康賽普松(Concepcion)附近海岸。


The quake reportedly registered between 7.6 and 8 in Santiago, still very powerful. It caused extensive damage in Chile, which occupies a long, narrow band along the western coast of South America, and triggered tsunamis wreaking additional havoc.



As their initial panic subsided with the tremors, Bodle said he and his host family faced a new worry - the fate of friends and relatives.

Bodle表示,起初的恐懼隨著晃動而逐漸平息後,他與接待家人面臨到新的憂慮 親朋好友的命運。


His host brother had gone to Vina del Mar with his girlfriend. Cell phone service was down, so he couldn't be reached for hours.

接待家庭的大哥已經和女友回到比尼亞德爾瑪爾(Vina del Mar),手機斷訊,歷經數小時仍無法聯絡到他。


Friends in other parts of Chile couldn't be reached either.



"No one slept that night," he said. In addition to their worries about people they couldn't contact, he said, "It would have been impossible, with the constant bombardment of tremors providing reminders of what happened."



Roads were damaged between La Ligua and Santiago, and power and water lines were disrupted.



Fortunately, his host family had a good supply of water on hand. "The only worry we have is if another big quake hits and a tsunami comes," said Bodle, whose host brother turned out to be safe.



He started e-mailing friends, relatives and Rotarians back home as soon as he could to let them know he was all right and keep them posted on what he was doing.



As soon as they could use their cell phones. Bodle said, "My host sister and brother and I called as many people as we could and gathered supplies to send to Concepcion." He said his host sister planned to drop them off for distribution at the Catholic university in Santiago.



Bodle also volunteered with relief efforts being led by Chilean Rotary clubs. "I am proud to say that I am able to be a part of this effort," he told local Rotarians.



In his e-mail exchange with the News-Register, Bodle said he joined Chilean Rotarians to take food and clothing to Talca, a city that was "pretty much destroyed."



Talca normally is about a four-hour drive from La Ligua, he said. But due to damaged roads and bridges, it took eight hours.



He said police had to escort them part of the way to ward off bandits, who have been taking advantage of the situation.



In some places, their route wasn't in bad shape. But in others, Bodle said, "The road had simply slid down the hill, been uplifted, or was in so many pieces that it was left impassible."


Talca Rotarians met the La Ligua contingent about an hour from the city and took them to an outlying area to deliver the first of their supplies. They passed a church that "looked on the verge of collapsing" from extreme damage, Bodle said.



The whole area "looked like the ruins of a ghost town, but instead of being empty, people still had to survive," he said.



They unloaded some of their supplies at a nearby school - noodles, rice, sugar, water, tea, coffee, oil, clothes and other items.



The aid was sorely needed, Bodle said. "These people had nothing, but Rotary had come to help and give to them that which one needs to survive."



The Rotarians also brought the special sweets for which La Ligua is famous. "The people were ecstatic to see us, and the kids ran alongside our cars laughing," he said.



"For losing everything, these were probably some of the happiest people I have ever known. Their happiness came from still having their families intact and well."



Later, Bodle and his group went into the city of Talca.



It looked "post-apocalyptic," he said, noting, "Nothing was spared."



In one spot, they encountered an area where debris and animal bodies had been dumped. "The smell was overwhelming and putrid. It was the smell of death," he said.



Still, he said, residents of Talca were going on with their lives. He saw some sitting atop the rubble of bus stops and houses.



One man sang of his sadness, providing his own accompaniment on a guitar, said Bodle, who plans to remain until mid-June.



Submit all 2009-10 inbound student guarantee forms to RI

As we near the close of the Rotary year, we would like to remind all districts to submit copies of their 2009-10 inbound students’ guarantee forms to Rotary International. RI policy requires that districts submit the information on these forms (included in the standard Youth Exchange application) for each inbound student hosted by the district before the beginning of an exchange. Districts that do not provide this data will jeopardize their certification status.


Districts can send the information in the format most convenient for them, such as Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft Word documents, or scanned copies of guarantee forms, as long as the information is complete. The following areas must be covered:
只要資料完整,扶輪地區可以採用最為便利的格式來繳交資料,像是Excel試算表、Microsoft Word文件、或是保證書掃描影本,並涵蓋下列資料:

  • Exchange type
  • Student name and contact details in home country
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Emergency contact information
  • Sponsor district
  • Host district
  • Host club
  • Host parent contact details
  • Host counselor contact information 

If any of this information changes (whether expectedly or unexpectedly), please notify RI. Common updates include changes in host families and new club or district placements midway through exchanges.

If you have any questions, please contact RI staff at

Interact club cooks up a tasty fundraiser

Rachele Summerville, of the Rotary Club of Bay Area Sunrise, serves as a sous-chef during the Iron Chef competition. Photo courtesy of Bay Area Sunrise Rotary Club

Rachele Summerville為灣區日昇扶輪社的社員,她在鐵人料理比賽中擔任副主廚。照片為灣區日昇扶輪社提供。

Interactors in Oregon, USA, have found a tasty way to raise funds to support a local Youth Exchange student and service projects. Learn more.

With the help of the sponsor Rotary Club of Bay Area Sunrise (Coos Bay-North Bend-Charleston), the Interactors at North Bend High School recently held their third annual Iron Chef competition, raising thousands of dollars to send their club president to Spain on a short-term Rotary Youth Exchange, support Shoes for Africa, and renovate a school study lounge.



Lynda Kristoffersen, liaison to the club and the district's Interact chair, came up with the idea after reading an article in the New York Times about similar contests held at dinner parties. The club’s first try pitted a chef from the Oregon Coast Culinary Institute against a chef from a local restaurant in the basement of Kristoffersen's church.

Lynda Kristoffersen為該地區的扶輪少年服務團主席,亦擔任與扶輪社聯絡的窗口,她在閱讀《紐約時報》一篇介紹在晚餐會舉辦類似比賽的文章後,提出了這樣的想法。扶輪社首度試著讓俄勒岡海岸烹飪學院的主廚,與Kristoffersen教堂地下室的一家地方餐廳主廚進行競賽。


“It was really low scale because if I was going to fall, I wanted to fall small," says Kristoffersen of the event, for which all 50 tickets sold out at $40 each. The next year, the competition moved to the culinary institute, allowing for an expanded schedule of events. It also sold out, with all100 tickets selling in 10 days.



"This year due to the economic times, we only sold 72 of our 100 tickets, but it was the best one ever," Kristoffersen says. "We instituted closed-circuit TV in all the rooms so if people were listening to the band or having a glass of wine or eating appetizers, they could still follow the competition."


Secret ingredient秘密食材 

For the contest, the two chefs create three entrees using two proteins the Interact club selects ahead of time, along with a bread, dessert, and salad. A secret ingredient -- this year’s was Greek yogurt -- is revealed right before the competition "to shake things up a bit," says Kristoffersen.

兩位主廚在比賽中,採用扶輪少年服務團事先選好的兩種蛋白,來製作三道主菜,再加上麵包、甜點與沙拉。至於秘密食材 今年為希臘優格,則在比賽前公佈,Kristoffersen表示:「藉此讓整場比賽變得更加刺激一點。」


Interactors and Rotarians help in the kitchen as sous-chefs cutting, dicing, and chopping as needed. While the main chefs are at work, sous-chefs perform a series of mini-contests, or "quick fires," such as guessing the ingredients in a dish or racing to be the first to shuck and clean oysters for a sauce.



A panel of judges scores the entrees to determine the year's Iron Chef. The audience is assured plenty of samples.



"There's tons of food," Kristoffersen says. "It's a full meal plus some."



The event serves as the main fundraiser for the Interact club. This year, in addition to revamping the school lounge, the club is giving some of the money to Shoes for Africa, the Interact district's international project. Half the money raised each year is used to send the club president-elect on a Youth Exchange.



"Our president-elect will go to Spain for 30 days and then the person she stays with will come here to her house and stay 30 days," says Kristoffersen. "It is intended to build awareness of other people's cultures and beliefs and to learn diversity and tolerance and spread that."



“It's a great way to do international goodwill, friendship, understanding, and peace," says Tashina Stillmaker, the Interact club's president-elect. "I am looking forward to coming back with a good service project for our club."

扶輪少年服務團團長當選人Tashina Stillmaker表示:「這是推動國際親善、友誼、理解與和平的最佳方式。我期待能為我們的服務團帶回出色的服務計畫。」


Kristoffersen says the event would be easy to replicate. "Even if you do not have a culinary school in your area, you can tweak it to work," she says. "You can have an outdoor competition where they have to barbecue everything. There are so many ways you can do it."



She says clubs can contact her at


Current Rotary Code of Policies

The most recent version of the Rotary Code of Policies is always available on the RI website. The sections most relevant to the Youth Exchange program are Youth Protection (2.110), District Finances (17.060), and Youth Exchange (41.080).

Upcoming Youth Exchange events

If you would like information on your national or international conference published in upcoming editions of this newsletter, please e-mail us at 

15th Annual Japan Youth Exchange Conference

Nishi-ku, OsakaJapan

15-16 May

Osaka YMCA Conference Centre

Contact: Shindo Kondo 


2010 Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention Meeting

Montréal, Québec, Canada
18-19 June


South Central Rotary Youth Exchange (SCRYE) 2010 Summer Conference
North Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
23-25 July

Wyndham-Riverfront Little Rock

Contact: Don Peters


Kate Hoeppel

Youth Exchange Supervisor

Tom Woods

Senior Youth Exchange Coordinator


Maria Spencer

Youth Exchange Coordinator



Jessica Borrego

Youth Exchange Correspondent

Youth Exchange Resources

End Polio Now

Public Relations

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 Montreal Convention
Contribute to the "Ask a Youth Exchange officer" corner!
Questions to ponder:
"What are some tips or games for inbound orientations?" 
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