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Youth ExChange
              2010 NOVEMBER E-nEWSLETTER
Vol. 5, Ed. 6 

November is Rotary Foundation Month

To celebrate Rotary Foundation Month in November, Youth Exchange officers are encouraged to promote the Foundation’s programs among fellow Rotarians and Youth Exchange students and to strengthen the overall ties within the family of Rotary.
The Foundation offers humanitarian grants and educational programs, including Ambassadorial Scholarships and Rotary Peace Fellowships, to further its mission of advancing world understanding, goodwill, and peace. Learn more about the Foundation’s programs and the impact they had on one Foundation alumna: Rotaractor Andrea Tirone.
扶輪基金會提供多項人道贊助金與教育計畫,包括大使獎學金與扶輪世界和平獎學金,藉此拓展增進世界各國相互理解、幸福與和平的重大使命。請按此處以進一步瞭解基金會計畫,以及這些計畫對一名基金會獎學金得主:扶輪社青年服務團員Andrea Tirone的影響。

Rotaractor Andrea Tirone of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, has also participated in her district's RYLA and is a former Ambassadorial Scholar. She plans on becoming a Rotarian after Rotaract. Photo by Xavier Vahed photography

加拿大安大略省多倫多市扶輪社青年服務團員Andrea Tirone,為前任大使獎學金得主,曾經參加過所屬扶輪地區舉辦的扶輪青年領袖營(RYLA)。她在成為扶輪社青年服務團員後,計畫接著成為扶輪社員。照片/Xavier Vahed拍攝。

Youth programs pave the way into Rotary青少年計畫奠定了邁向扶輪之路

By Ryan Hyland
作者:Ryan Hyland
Rotary International News -- 30 September 2010 
國際扶輪快訊 – 2010930

Rotary youth programs have prepared Andrea Tirone well. 扶輪青少年計畫讓Andrea Tirone有了充分準備。


As a current Rotaractor, a past participant in her district's Rotary Youth Leadership Awards(RYLA) program, and a former Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar, she is hoping her experiences serve as a springboard into Rotary.



"In Rotary, I will have a variety of service possibilities available to me, locally and internationally," Tirone says. "There is so much diversity in the work Rotary does. It can give you exposure to so many different areas, and help you find what your interests really are."



Tirone was introduced to Rotary during the District 7070 (Ontario, Canada) RYLA in 2004. She describes it as one of the best weeks of her life, and says she was impressed by the planning that went into it.



"Learning about each other through different workshops and activities, I formed these incredible, lifelong bonds," she says. "I thought to myself, if Rotary can put on such an amazing week, then imagine what it would be like to be part of the whole organization."


Joining Rotaract


When she enrolled at the University of Toronto in the fall of 2004, she sought out its Rotaract club and joined, becoming club president in 2005-06. Her club volunteered in the community but focused much of its time and resources on raising funds for a literacy project in India, working with a sister club and Rotarians to help implement the effort.



"Being involved with Rotaract opened my eyes to the ability to connect with Rotaractors all over the world," says Tirone. "Finding out that Rotary has very strong ties to the rest of the world was very appealing."



In 2008, Tirone became an Ambassadorial Scholar, majoring in political science at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa. During that time, her host Rotary club helped establish the Rotaract Club of Durban Berea.



As an honorary member of the Durban Berea club, she embarked on an international project with 19 other club members, raising US$2,000 to help renovate a school in Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique. The Rotaractors spent a week cleaning and painting classrooms and installing a vegetable garden.

她以德班柏里亞扶輪社的榮譽社員與另外19名團員一同推動了一項國際計畫,並募得2,000美元,做為協助改建位於莫三比克Ponta do Ouro的學校。青年服務團員花了一週時間清理、粉刷教室,並設置菜園。


Tirone says she plans on becoming a Rotarian but wants to stay in Rotaract as long as possible.



"Rotary for me is for life, so I want to be able to experience as much of Rotaract as I can," she says. "Because of it, I have friends all over the world."



Tirone says Rotaract is good for Rotary.



"When it comes to encouraging new members or bringing in new and innovative ideas, Rotary can always rely on Rotaractors to be the people who bring those types of ideas to clubs."


Homesickness: The second wave of culture shock

Rotary Youth Exchange students who departed in August are approaching their fourth month of exchange. While most are adapting to their new surroundings, some may be experiencing the effects of delayed homesickness, commonly known as the “second wave” of culture shock. Contributing factors can include difficulties learning the new language, challenges fitting in at school or in the community, and problems connecting with their host family.


Psychologist and former Youth Exchange Committee Chair Dennis White, of the Rotary Club of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, USA, helps students, parents, host families, and Youth Exchange officers identify the symptoms and find ways to cope. Read his article and find more information about culture shock at www.yeoresources.org.
美國威斯康辛州斯特金灣扶輪社前任青少年交換委員會主席暨心理學家Dennis White協助學生、家長、接待家庭及青少年交換委員,判斷第二波文化衝擊的症狀,並找出處理方法。請前往下列網址詳閱他的專文,並瞭解文化衝擊的進一步資訊:www.yeoresources.org

Reminder: Report all early returns to RI 提醒事項:向國際扶輪通報所有提前返國個案

Inform the RI Youth Exchange staff of early returns in your district or multidistrict. Please e-mail the student’s name, reason for early return, date of return, and host and sponsor districts to youthexchange@rotary.org.

Early return forms are also available on the online Rotary Youth Exchange Workgroup, which district and multidistrict chairs can visit by logging on to Member Access or by e-mailing youthexchange@rotary.org.

Youth Exchange creates lifelong bonds

In honor of New Generations Month in September, Rotarian and Youth Exchange alumnus Antonio Herrera described his experience coming from Chile to Nevada, USA, in 1980. “Youth Exchange opened so many doors for me,” Herrera says. “Learning another language helped me tremendously in being who I am today.”
為了慶祝九月的「新世代月」,扶輪社員暨前任青少年交換學生Antonio Herrera描述了自己在1980年時,從智利前往美國內華達州擔任交換學生的經驗。Herrera說:「青少年交換計畫為我開啟許多扇門。學習另一種語言對今日的我助益良多。」


Read how the Youth Exchange program influenced Herrera’s life and helped him forge a lifelong bond with his hosts, Past RI Vice President Jerry Hall and his family. 
點選此處瞭解青少年交換計畫如何影響Herrera的人生,並協助其與接待家庭 - 前任國際扶輪副社長Jerry Hall其家人之間,建立畢生的情誼。

 Past RI Vice President Jerry Hall; his wife, Tasha; and Antonio Herrera spend time together at the RI Convention in Montréal, Québec, Canada, in June. Photo courtesy of Jerry Hall
6月時,前任國際扶輪副社長Jerry Hall、其妻TashaAntonio Herrera在加拿大魁北克蒙大拿舉行的國際扶輪大會上相聚。照片:Jerry Hall提供

Antonio Herrera gets emotional every time he is reunited with Past RI Vice President Jerry Hall, his host for a Rotary Youth Exchange in 1980.
Antonio Herrera每次與前任國際扶輪副社長Jerry Hall相聚時,情緒總是特別激動,Jerry Hall是他在1980年參加扶輪青少年交換計畫時的接待者。

Herrera, then 16, came from Chile to stay with the Hall family in Reno, Nevada, USA. He says he will never forget how Hall spent a couple of hours every day after school helping him read books that his teacher had assigned.

"He would make me read the books back to him," Herrera says. "I couldn't believe his genuine interest in my learning the language. The values I learned from Jerry and his family were instrumental. They made me a part of their family, which is why it's always emotional when I see them again."

Herrera is now vice principal at a middle school in Syracuse, New York. In 2003, he became a member of the Rotary Club of Syracuse Sunrise. Although work obligations have forced him to take a temporary leave from his club, he says it's important for exchange students to stay involved with Rotary.

"Youth Exchange opened so many doors for me," Herrera says. "Learning another language helped me tremendously in being who I am today."

Hall says the experience is equally rewarding for host families. Hall表示接待家庭亦有同等收穫。

"The magic part of Youth Exchange is that you learn from the student, and the student learns from you," says Hall, a member of the Rotary Club of Reno. "Even though we live in other parts of the world and have different cultures, there are so many things we have in common.

"Antonio was a very serious and studious young man," Hall adds. "He always asked the extra question. His curiosity to learn our culture was remarkable."

Hall has gone on to host 13 students since Herrera, and says each has enriched his life in ways that are hard to describe.

"Seeing students mature is always rewarding," he says. "Youth Exchange is an opportunity to make a real difference in a young person's life."

The most difficult part is when the student goes back home, Hall says. "It's like when a family member leaves home. The bond you forge with students is so strong."

Hall believes the most important part of Youth Exchange is communication.

"Host families must be sure to make their student comfortable," he says. "It's such a good program. It changes how people see each other. We have a lot to learn from other cultures if we take the time."

The bond between Hall and Herrera remains strong 30 years later. They see each other every few years, and most recently met up during the RI Convention in Montréal, Québec, Canada

Share your advice: Language preparation 分享建議:語言準備

Does your district have any tips for effectively preparing students for the language challenges they may encounter while on their exchange?

Share your ideas with youthexchange@rotary.org, and they might be featured in the next issue of this newsletter.

Current Rotary Code of Policies

The Rotary Code of Policies is available in English on the RI website. The sections most relevant to the Youth Exchange program are Youth Protection (2.110), District Finances (17.060), and Youth Exchange (41.080).


Translated versions of these sections are available on the Rotary Youth Exchange Workgroup site, which district and multidistrict chairs can visit by logging on to Member Access or by e-mailing youthexchange@rotary.org.

Upcoming Youth Exchange events

If you would like information on your national or international conference published in upcoming editions of this newsletter, please e-mail us at youthexchange@rotary.org 

Brazilian YEO Meeting

Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

4-7 November

JP Hotel

Contact: yep@rotary4540.com.br 

Information: http://www.abij.org.br


Rotary-UN Day扶輪-聯合國日

New York City

6 November

More than 1,300 Rotarians, Interactors, Rotaractors, and former Youth Exchange students and Ambassadorial Scholars will gather at United Nations headquarters in New York for panel discussions on water, literacy, health, and youth. Speakers from the UN, Rotary, and other nongovernmental organizations will discuss humanitarian programs and provide insight into the more than 60-year relationship between Rotary and the UN. There will also be a special program for youth interested in humanitarian service. Information: http://riunday.org


2011 North American Youth Exchange Network (NAYEN) Conference

Sacramento, California, USA

10-13 February

Hyatt Regency Sacramento

Information: www.nayen2011.com


16th annual Japan Youth Exchange Conference: “Matsuyama Meeting”


Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan

4-5 June

Hotel Okudogo

Contact: Ken Kanda

Kate Hoeppel

Youth Exchange Supervisor


Tom Woods

Senior Youth Exchange Coordinator


Maria Spencer

Youth Exchange Coordinator



Jessica Borrego

Youth Exchange Correspondent



Youth Exchange Resources

Public Relations

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