Youth ExChange
2009 September E-nEWSLETTER
Vol. 2, Ed. 6
Inbound orientation student promise
A useful tool for your inbound orientation
District 6270 (Wisconsin, USA) recently shared a resource it uses during inbound student orientations. The district supplies students with a promise form to be signed by the student, the district Youth Exchange chair, and the inbound coordinator after the inbound orientation program. The form reiterates the rules set forth by the host district. Read it below, or visit the following link

Inbound exchange student promise
I have participated in the Rotary Youth Exchange District 6270 Inbound Orientation Program, and I promise to follow the rules set out by the district chair and inbound coordinator:

  1. No drinking of alcoholic beverages, including attending parties where alcoholic beverages are served by or to persons under 21 years of age, even if I am not drinking.
  2. No drugs, including being in the presence of others who may possess or partake of drugs.
  3. No driving, including cars, motorcycles, boats, or other motorized vehicles.
  4. No serious one-on-one dating. Group dates are encouraged, but exclusive dating is prohibited.

I understand the Rotary Youth Exchange "four Ds" listed above, and also understand that any violation of these rules will result in the termination of my exchange and a return to my home country at the earliest possible time.
In addition to the rules above, I also promise the following:

  • I will obey all of the laws of the United States, State of Wisconsin, and host city. I understand that any violation of these laws may result in arrest or termination of my exchange.
  • I will immediately remove myself from any situation that involves drugs, alcohol, or other illegal activities.
  • I will always conduct myself as a representative of Rotary and my country.
  • I will not smoke at any time during my time in the United States.
  • I will use the Internet and available computers only for activities that are appropriate, legal, and wholesome.
  • I will only travel with adult supervision and Rotary permission.
  • I will complete the appropriate Rotary Youth Exchange travel permission form and submit it to my club Youth Exchange officer at least two weeks prior to any travel or visitation by family members.
  • I understand that I may not have family visitors without Rotary permission, and I may not have friends visit from my country at any time during my exchange.
  • I will attend school regularly and do my best to complete all assigned work.
  • I will advise my district chair or inbound coordinator of any situation that I feel is inappropriate or that puts me in any danger.

Student signature_____________Date ___________
District chair ________________Date ___________
Inbound coordinator __________Date ___________

Ask a Youth Exchange officer


What are some tips for inbound orientations, and what is unique to your New Generations programs?

Walter Wyser, a member of the RI Youth Exchange Committee and honorary chair of the Switzerland/Liechtenstein Youth Exchange program, replies:
國際扶輪青少年交換委員會成員暨瑞士/列支敦斯登青少年交換計畫榮譽主委的Walter Wyser,在此回覆如下: 
When newly arrived inbound students tell you after the obligatory inbound orientation, "Well, we have been told about that more than once by our sending district," it's proof that our global network of Youth Exchange officers is functioning. On the other hand, in my opinion, the orientation should be more individualized and of true assistance to the program participants.
We hammer in the rules, and we also make clear what happens when students do not keep to the rules. Why not drop the juridical tone and create a more cordial atmosphere? Rotary stands for understanding. Should we not try to explain why a certain rule is in favor of the student (and therefore the program) and create understanding, knowledge, and belief - the basis for keeping to rules on one's own accord and not just because they are dictated?
The great challenge at the beginning of an exchange year is the adaptation to the new culture. This aspect should be the main point of the orientation. Make the cultural difference clear (different is not wrong!) through discussion groups with experienced rebound students, role plays, group work, or interviews. Be creative!
In addition to inbound orientation, Rotarian Wyser touches upon New Generations Exchanges.October,Vocational Service Month, is a time for the Rotary community to encourage the development of vocational skills. Youth Exchange exemplifies the importance of vocational service through the New Generations Exchange opportunities it provides to young adults, which can help shape their future goals and professional lives.
The New Generations Exchange program was created to fill the age gap in the Youth Exchange program for participants ages 18 to 25 years old. This group should not be swept aside; these young people are in a critical phase of life, with vital questions about their future. Let us give them the chance to experience other cultures and foster international understanding and friendship, through both individual and group exchanges. This program enables us to help develop person-to-person contacts and better cultural education and exposure. I admit, it can be hard work, but the experience is of great value to all concerned.
She has the heart for all 

SHE has the looks, the brains and most important, the heart to build a safe haven for all in Fiji.



Roshika Deo, former president of Rotaract Club of Suva, is still trying to wrap her head around her latest honour -- the Paul Harris Award.

Roshika Deo為斐濟蘇瓦扶輪青年服務團(Rotaract)的前任團長,現在仍沈浸在剛獲得的榮譽 – Paul Harris獎之中。


But if there is one issue she is profoundly passionate about, it is securing the young generation with a bright and better future. What disturbs Roshika the most is witnessing discrimination and stigmatisation among issues such as child abuse and labour and sexual exploitation.



And she has made it a point to live life to the full by doing her bit for the community whether it is co-ordinating the kitchen renovation at St Giles Hospital or organising the prison literacy project.



"I don't want to see children begging on the street or young girls selling themselves so they can afford food, children not getting educated or stigmatisation of groups such as mental health, prostitution and people mistreated unfairly and unethically," she said.



"I want the world, the community I live in to be a better place for all. I want equality and justice.



"Nothing will change but if I do something about it, if I take action, if I am proactive about it instead of whining about it, then I will be able to change it.



"After all, it is my future and I want to be involved in it."



A lawyer by profession, Roshika is a research officer for the Fiji Women's Rights Movement.



She is also the 9920 district rotaract representative and her love for community service brings her satisfaction.



The eldest of five children, Roshika attended Veiuto Primary School and Suva Grammar. She completed foundation studies at the University of Southern Queensland in Toowoomba, Australia and enrolled in a combined degree program at the University of Western Sydney.



Her travels took her to India on a study break. She returned to Fiji in mid-2003 where she completes a law degree at the University of the South Pacific.



"I believe in work ethics, responsibility, commitment and time management," she once said.



Roshika was a presenter at the Rotary Youth Leadership Award in New Zealand and was oblivious to the surprise the Rotary Club of Newmarket planned.



"I had no idea about the award. I wasn't expecting it. I was fiddling with the camera when I heard my name called. It's an overwhelming feeling to be given this honour." She admits it is not easy challenging people's attitude but said it was harder trying to make a difference.



"Young people are the future. We need to improve our quality of life to be able to shape our future and make changes in a responsible and productive manner."


Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded Rotary a total of US$355 million in grants to help end polio. In response, Rotary has committed to raising a total of $200 million by 30 June 2012.
At Rotary International's convention in June 2008, Dr. Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, declared polio eradication as the "top operational priority" for the WHO. Intensified polio eradication activities in the polio-endemic, high-risk, and importation countries must continue in order to finish polio once and for all. Since Rotary launched the Polio Plus program, the number of polio cases has decreased by more than 99 percent and the number of polio-endemic countries has fallen from 125 to 4. In the four polio endemic countries (Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, Pakistan), wild poliovirus circulates in very limited geographic areas.
世界衛生組織總幹事陳馮富珍博士,在20086月的國際扶輪大會上宣布,根除小兒麻痺乃是世界衛生組織的「首要業務」。必須在小兒麻痺盛行且具備高風險的輸入國,持續加強推動小兒麻痺根治活動,才能將此疾病徹底終結。從國際扶輪推動根除小兒麻痺計畫(Polis Plus)起,小兒麻痺病例數已經降低了99%以上,小兒麻痺流行國家亦從125國減至4國。在小兒麻痺依舊盛行的4個國家(阿根廷、印度、奈及利亞與巴基斯坦),小兒麻痺野生病毒僅流傳於為數非常有限的幾個地理區。
Rotary club and Rotarian participation in Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge is crucial to making it a success. Each club is being challenged to organize public fundraising events to help raise a minimum of $2,000 annually for the next three years.
Local Youth Exchange students can help clubs and districts raise money for PolioPlus by holding purple pinkie fundraisers. Every time a volunteer administers the oral polio vaccine to a child, that child's pinkie finger is marked with purple dye. In a purple pinkie fundraiser, students can donate spare change and have their pinkies temporarily dyed purple to show that they've contributed.
Learn more about Rotary's challenge.
Interact video contest
Interact video contestDo you know any Interactors or Rotarians who work with Interact clubs? If so, let them know that they're eligible to enter Rotary International's official Interact video contest. Videos should be three minutes or less and focus on the theme "What Interact Means to You." Videos must be in English or have English subtitles, and they must be submitted by 1 October. 
The grand-prize winner's video will be featured in the November edition of Interactive, Rotary International's online multimedia publication, to coincide with World Interact Week. For more information and to learn how to enter, visit the RI Web site and the 2009 Interact video contest YouTube channel, or e-mail your questions to
Newly certified districts
Every two weeks, the list of noncertified districts is updated online.
Congratulations to district 2470 (Greece) and district 4915 (Argentina)!
Get your idea highlighted!
Share with your fellow Rotarians how you work to prevent early returns in your club and district. Send your ideas to, and they might be featured in an upcoming issue of this newsletter.
Upcoming Youth Exchange events
If you would like information on your national or international conference published in upcoming editions of this newsletter, please e-mail us at  
57th EMMA Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland
4-6 September
Reykjavík, Iceland

Australian Rotary Youth Exchange Chairs Conference
9-11 October
SurfAir Marcoola Beach Resort
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Contact: Neville Woodforth,
Rotary-UN Day
7 November
New York City
Organized by RI representatives to the United Nations, this program will include a youth panel featuring a speaker from Interact and Rotaract, who will each present a description of a hands-on international club project.

29th Annual Brazilian Youth Exchange Conference
19-22 November
Serrano Resort Convention and Spa Hotel
Granado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Contact: Frederico Malab,
South Central Rotary Youth Exchange (SCRYE) 2010 Winter Conference
29-31 January
Radisson Hotel
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Contact: Don Peters,

Questions and comments

Please send any questions, comments, or ideas for future issues of this newsletter to

Youth Exchange Resources

End Polio Now

Public Relations

Shop Rotary
 Montreal Convention
Contribute to the "Ask a Youth Exchange officer" corner!
Questions to ponder:
"What are some tips to prevent early returns?" 
"What are some ways to help those students who experience homesickness?"
Please forward answers to
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