Exchange student in training
訓練交換學生A useful requirement for your outbound students
District 5020 (British Columbia, Canada; Washington, USA) recently shared one of its requirements for outbound students with Youth Exchange staff. The district asks all outbound students to complete an extensive research paper on their host country before departure. Below is an excerpt from the research paper outline provided to the students. For a copy of the full outline, please visit the following link.
最近,第5020扶輪地區(加拿大卑詩省,美國華盛頓州)與青少年交換計畫的成員,分享了該地區對派遣學生的要求之一。該地區要求全體派遣學生在離開接待國之前,必須完成一份針對接待國所做的廣泛性研究報告。下面摘錄了提供給學生的研究報告大綱。欲瀏覽完整的大綱內容,請瀏覽此處的連結。 |
- Geography
- What are some of your host country's defining geographical features?
接待國有哪些顯著地理特徵? - What is the capital city, and why is it located where it is?
首都在哪?座落於該地的理由? - What countries border your host country?
接待國鄰近哪些國家? - What were your host country's original boundaries? How have they changed over time? For what reasons?
- History
- What is the early history of your host country?
接待國的早期歷史? - What have been the patterns of immigration into your host country ?
接待國的移民模式為何? - Have there been any civil wars in your country? Are there lingering effects?
接待國是否發生過內戰?是否造成深遠影響? - What was your host country's involvement in any other major world conflicts?
- Economy
- What is the economy based on? What are some of the biggest/most important imports and exports?
接待國的經濟基礎為何?最大/最重要的進出口商品為何? - What products are traded between your host country and your home country?
接待國與祖國之間的貿易商品有哪些? - What products/services is your host region famous for?
接待地區的知名產品/服務為何? - What is the per capita income? The gross national product (GNP)? What is the unemployment rate? When and how do people retire?
- Educational system
- How is the educational system organized?
教育制度的編制為何? - What do you see as the biggest differences between your educational systems, especially as they relate to high school and college?
你認為接待國與祖國教育制度的最大差異是什麼?尤其是高中與大學方面? - What are the requirements to graduate from high school?
高中畢業條件為何? - What are the relationships like between teachers/students/students' families? Can you be friends or friendly with your teachers, or is it a more formal connection?
- Food
- What are some of the foods that your host country is famous for?
接待國的知名食物有哪些? - What are some dishes that are indigenous? What are some regional differences in food in your host country?
接待國的傳統料理有哪些?接待國的各地飲食是否有所差異? - What new fruits and vegetables will you get the opportunity to taste?
你有機會嘗鮮哪些蔬果? - What spices are used in cooking?
- Rotary
- What is the history of Rotary in your host country?
說明接待國的扶輪史。 - What is the history of your host club? How long has it been involved in Youth Exchange?
說明接待社的歷史。該社參加青少年交換計畫多久的時間? - How many members are in your host Rotary club? How many of them are women?
接待社的社員有多少人?其中有多少人為女性? - Where do they meet? What time of day?
接待社的聚會地點在哪?時間? - What local projects is your host club involved with? What international projects? Does it have a big fundraiser that you can help with?
接待社參與哪些地方性計畫?哪些國際性計畫?是否有你能幫忙的大型募款活動? |
Ask a Youth Exchange officer
What tips can you give a new Youth Exchange officer on outbound student recruitment and orientation?
Albertine Perre, governor of District 1570 (The Netherlands) and 2008-09 multidistrict orientation coordinator, replies:
Perre的答覆如下: |
After receiving the application forms, all applicants in the multidistrict are invited to attend a screening day. All students need to be proficient in the English language and in good physical health. Our exchange program is intensive, introducing students to many new ideas, different cuisines, and climate changes.
我們收到申請表之後,邀請各地區的所有申請人參加篩選說明會。全體學生必須英語流利且身體健康。我們的交換學生計畫非常緊湊,將向學生介紹許多新概念、不同飲食及氣候變遷。 Students are asked to discuss their goals and expectations for the program with the Youth Exchange officers, who spend time covering specific elements of the exchange year. The interview focuses on the following criteria, which the student is graded on:
我們請學生與青少年交換委員談談對計畫的目標與期望,委員會花時間談到交換年度的具體項目。這項面談著重在下列學生評分標準: Motivation. Students need to be motivated and have a realistic perception of the Youth Exchange program. They also need to be aware of our expectations along with their own future goals and expectations.
動機:學生須具備動機,並對青少年交換計畫有實際認知。他們除了個人對未來的目標和期許外,亦得瞭解我們給予的期待。 Support. Students need to have their families' support before participating in the program to minimize the chances of becoming homesick. It is important to be realistic, however, so emphasis is placed on how to handle homesickness. It is also important to highlight school and host-club attendance to fill their surroundings with familiar faces.
支持:學生參加計畫前,必須先獲得家人的支持,才能降低日後想家的可能性。然而,務實甚為重要,所以應著重在處理想家的問題。上學與參加接待社活動亦很重要,藉此讓學生身邊充滿了熟悉的人們。 Drugs and alcohol. Students need to understand the zero-tolerance rule regarding drugs and alcohol. Smoking is rarely accepted. When a student shows interest in experimenting with drugs or alcohol, that is an immediate strike toward their application.
藥物與酒精:學生得瞭解到我們嚴禁嗑藥飲酒。抽煙難以獲得接受。學生若表現欲體驗嗑藥飲酒的興趣,我們將隨即剔除其申請。 Assertiveness. A student needs to be able to come up with creative solutions to problems and execute them. During the interview, several fictitious situations are described. In some scenarios, a student needs to know when to ask for help.
決斷力:學生必須對遇到的問題,提出充滿創意的解決方案並履行。我們在面談時,會提出幾項虛擬情境。學生在某些情境中,須得知何時該尋求協助。 Extracurricular activities and social engagements. Applicants need to be aware of their surrounding social environment, show some interest in volunteering, and demonstrate proactive steps to further their ideology.
參與課外及社交活動:申請人須瞭解到自己所處的社會環境,表現出樂於擔任志工的興趣,並證明欲積極採取行動以拓展個人思維。 Social skills. Good communication, including social and presentation skills, is important. Adaptability is also a critical skill that is needed during an exchange year.
Culture and tradition. It is essential that a student has an interest in and respect for other cultures and traditions. It is critical that students understand that during the exchange, they will be asked to accept and obey rules set by their host family, even if they're much different from their home situation.
文化傳統:學生須對其他文化傳統表現出興趣與尊重。學生得瞭解到在交換期間,必須接受並遵守接待家庭制訂的家規,即使這些規則和在家時大相逕庭亦然。 Knowledge. Students need to have a general knowledge of their own country's culture, geography, history, art, and political background. This will give them the confidence they need to be good ambassadors while they are abroad.
After the initial interview, selected students are asked to return for an additional meeting, organized by Youth Exchange officers and former exchange students, to receive extensive information on how to handle a case of abuse or harassment. Additionally, topics pertaining to culture shock, daily issues, and homesickness are covered. Traditionally, parents are always included in these information sessions.
Making dreams real:
Youth Exchange students work to eliminate child mortality and promote literacy
The close of a Rotary year can be a time for reflection. With that in mind, the Youth Exchange team would like to share with you a shining example of two former exchange students who have heeded the call of Past RI President Dong Kurn Lee to Make Dreams Real in 2008-09. The following story was written by journalist Jamilyn Mohr, the daughter of Terry Mohr, of the Rotary Club of North Clackamas Sunrise, Oregon, USA.
Mohr(Terry Mohr的女兒)所寫。 |
A few miles outside of Naga City in the northeastern Philippines, down narrow one-lane roads and sprawling rice fields, lies a tiny, one-room building. This structure, hardly large or sanitary enough for one person to live comfortably, is home to eight: a father, mother, and six sons. Both parents work at manual jobs every day while their sons attend a public school. Despite their long hours, the family brings home less than the equivalent of US$3 a day. This pays for their daily food, which is always rice. All of the children are sickly thin, constantly on the verge of starvation.
菲律賓東北部納嘉(Naga)市外幾英里處,走過狹窄的單線道路及散亂的稻田後,座落著一棟狹小的單房建築。這棟在空間或衛生方面,幾乎無法讓一人舒適生活的建築,卻是八個人的家:住著父母和六名男孩。父母每天出賣勞力工作,小孩則就讀於公立學校。儘管耗費漫長時間工作,這個家庭的每日所得卻不到3美元。這點錢得應付全家三餐,全以米飯度日。所有小孩彷彿生病般瘦弱不堪,時常處於挨餓邊緣。 The youngest boy, Christian, reached the point of starvation at six months of age. His parents dropped him off at a local orphanage, and he was immediately taken to the hospital. Christian is not the only child who lives at the orphanage despite having a family to go home to. In fact, nearly all of the children are there for the same reasons as Christian.
年紀最小的男孩Christian,從六個月大就幾乎餓死。父母於是將他留在孤兒院,他亦隨即被送醫治療。Christian不是唯一有家可回卻住在孤兒院的孩子。事實上,幾乎所有院童都是基於與Christian相同的原因而留下來。 While the orphanage is the best alternative to living at home for many of its residents, it is not a suitable place for children to grow up healthy and well adjusted. The orphanage lacks the funding and caretakers to give Christian and the 32 other children what they require, either physically or emotionally. This leaves the orphanage relying heavily on volunteers to keep it running.
儘管對許多院童而言,孤兒院是住在家中以外的最佳選擇,不過,這裡卻不是孩子得以健全成長且妥善適應的適當場所。孤兒院缺乏資金與照護人員,無法給予Christian及其餘三十二名院童身心之需。這一點讓孤兒院極需仰賴志工來維持運作。 Lorenzo Rosales, a respected pediatrician and member of the Rotary Club of Naga East, Camarines Sur, volunteers at the orphanage. During one of his weekly club meetings, he met Rotary Youth Exchange students Josh Babcock, 19, and Lisl Stadler, 17, both from Washington, USA. After hearing that Stadler wanted to assume a more humanitarian focus during her time in the Philippines, Rosales took her and Babcock to the orphanage. The children they met and the conditions they saw left lasting impressions, driving them to volunteer often. With the orphanage so limited in staff, supplies, and care, Stadler and Babcock knew that the children could use their help, no matter how small the resulting change. They spent every spare moment they had with the children, doing anything that required doing, but they knew that the children needed more than what they alone could offer.
Lorenzo Rosales是受人敬重的小兒科醫師,亦是南甘馬鄰省(Camarines
Stadler,兩人來自美國華盛頓州。Rosales聽到Stadler希望在菲律賓的交換學生期間,能夠更投入人道關懷活動後,遂帶著兩名學生到孤兒院。學生們遇到的院童及親眼所見的情形,讓他們留下難以磨滅的印象,促使他們經常前往擔任志工。由於孤兒院人手、補給品與醫療照護皆不足,兩人深知院童用得到自己給予的協助,無論其帶來的改變是多麼微小亦然。他們於是將所有空閒時間用來與院童相處,著手院方請他們協助的事,不過,他們知道院童需要的遠較兩人給予的還要多。 Since the end of their exchanges in May 2008, Stadler and Babcock have been able to collect some monetary contributions from people in the United States. The knowledge of the overwhelming need for help has driven them to set up a nonprofit organization to multiply their efforts and continue benefiting underprivileged children throughout the region.
Stadler與Babcock於2008年5月結束交換學生計畫後,開始在美國向人們募款。由於瞭解到院童的莫大需求,促使他們成立非營利性機構以擴大其活動,繼續援助整個比柯爾區的貧苦兒童。 The Bicol Change Education Foundation works to raise money not only to feed and clothe the children but also to send them to school, which will give them the education needed to expose them to greater opportunities. Funds also go toward the education of the staff running the orphanage in health, development, and child care. Stadler and Babcock hope Rotary clubs will support their efforts, pay attention to their cause and, if possible, take on the foundation as a project and assist in fundraising.
Change Education Foundation)從事的募款活動,不僅為了提供兒童衣食,還用來讓兒童就學受教,如此才能讓兒童獲得所需教育,進而獲得更龐大的機會。募款亦用來教導孤兒院員工健康、發展與兒童照護課程。Stadler與Babcock希望扶輪社能支援其活動,留意到其活動原因,如果可能,則將該基金會評為專案計畫以協助募款。 |
August is Membership
In anticipation of next month's focus on membership, we encourage Youth Exchange officers to promote the program by sharing with fellow Rotarians the importance of membership development and how it relates to Youth Exchange. This connection is particularly important given this year's theme of The Future of Rotary Is in Your Hands. The theme presents a perfect opportunity for district Youth Exchange officers to share the value of Rotary with a new generation. As RI President John Kenny has said, "It is our responsibility, yours and mine, to forge solid links to Rotary's future." Youth Exchange plays a vital role in developing that link.
Kenny表示:「打造與扶輪社未來之間的穩固聯繫,正是你我的責任。」青少年交換計畫在發展這項聯繫中,正扮演著關鍵角色。 To promote Youth Exchange, consider passing along the following article, which highlights how the Rotary Club of Kanagawa Shonan, Kanagawa, Japan, worked to welcome program alumni into Rotary.
為了推廣青少年交換計畫,不妨考慮傳閱下面這篇文章,文中闡述了日本神奈川縣湘南扶輪社如何著手以歡迎前受獎人加入扶輪社。 |
Young clubs welcome program alumni into Rotary
新進扶輪社歡迎前受獎人加入扶輪社 Rotary International News -- 28 May 2009
– 2009年5月28日
 A five-year-old Japanese Rotary club is expanding its membership by recruiting Rotary Foundation and Rotary International program alumni.
The Rotary Club of Kanagawa Shonan, Kanagawa, which began as a gathering of young professionals, was chartered on 15 December 2004 with 23 former Ambassadorial Scholars, Group Study Exchange team members, and Rotary Youth Exchange students. The club now has a few members who have not participated in Rotary programs, but it continues to actively recruit alumni. Club leaders hope their example will inspire other young professionals to join Rotary.
The Kanagawa Shonan club is different from typical Rotary clubs. The average age of its members is 38, and the club dues of ?70,000 (US$740) are about a third of the dues for other Rotary clubs in Japan. Because many members speak English, they have been able to make contact with clubs outside of Japan and cooperate on World Community Service projects.
The club's first Rotary Foundation Matching Grant project financed the digging of three wells and the repair of a fourth in 2007, helping 10,000 children in the Philippines gain access to clean water. During another international project, club members raised money for young survivors of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand by setting up a booth in their community to sell handkerchiefs that the children had painted. On the Philippines water project, the Kanagawa Shonan club cooperated with two other alumni-formed clubs: the Rotary clubs of Colombo Reconnections, Western Province, Sri Lanka, and Mandaluyong-Pasig-San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines.
All three share another connection: Lina Aurelio, past governor of District 3800 (Philippines), helped charter the Philippine and Sri Lanka clubs in 2002, and met with Japanese Rotarians during the RI Convention in Osaka, Japan, in 2004. The Kanagawa Shonan club was chartered later that year. Aurelio maintained contact with all three clubs, linking them by e-mail. A fourth alumni club, the Rotary Club of Osaka Next, Osaka, was formed in 2007. Another, the Rotary Club of Chubu Nagoya Mirai, Aichi, recently received its charter.
Recruiting alumni has been an important focus of Rotary's membership development efforts. A 2006 report on alumni recruitment from the RI Membership Development Division found that 58 percent of clubs admit that they don't recruit alumni, and as few as 22 percent of clubs both recruit alumni and have alumni as members. Only about 3 percent of current Rotarians are program alumni.
The 2007 Council on Legislation adopted changes that made it easier for alumni to become Rotarians. Adapted from an article in the English edition of The Rotary-No-Tomo, the certified Rotary regional magazine serving Japan.
Newly certified districts |
Every two weeks, the list of Non-Certified districts is updated here.
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Get your idea highlighted! |
Please consider submitting information to share with your fellow Rotarians on how you conduct your inbound orientations or recruitment.
Upcoming Youth Exchange events
If you would like information on your national or international conference published in upcoming editions of this newsletter, please e-mail us at |
2009 Summer South Central Rotary Youth Exchange (SCRYE) Conference 17-19 July Omaha, Nebraska Contact: Don Peters,
57th EMMA Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland
4-6 September 2009
Australian Rotary Youth Exchange Chairs Conference 9-11 October SurfAir Marcoola Beach Resort Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia Contact: Neville Woodforth,
29th Annual Brazilian Youth Exchange Conference
19-22 November 2009
Serrano Resort Convention and Spa Hotel
Granado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Contact: Frederico Malab
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Questions and comments
Please send any questions, comments, or ideas for future issues of this newsletter to
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Contribute to the "Ask a Youth Exchange officer" corner! |
Questions to ponder:
"What are some tips or games for inbound orientations?"
"What is unique to your New Generations programs?"
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