The role of the counselor The counselor is a vital contributor to the
success of a student's exchange, serving in a role that
can be challenging and fulfilling. When discussing
volunteers' level of involvement, it is important to be
completely up front about their expected
responsibilities. This article outlines the role of the
counselor and provides a list of these
輔導顧問的角色 輔導顧問是交換學生計畫得以成功的關鍵推動者,其擔任角色深具挑戰性及充實感。與志工討論到參與程度時,重要的是徹底突顯輔導顧問的預期職責。本文概述了輔導顧問的角色,並列舉其職責項目。 |
Counselors for inbound and
outbound YouthExchange students serve as liaisons during
the exchange. The counselor's role is to facilitate
communication between the student and the Rotary club,
host family, and community at large. The counselor
should be genuinely interested in the welfare of the
student and the success of the exchange, and should
serve as the primary person the student can turn to for
help and comfort. Both the counselor and student should
work from the beginning to establish frank and open
lines of communication to promote the student's safety
and well-being. Counselors should work to gain students'
trust and respect so they can be in the best position to
assist and advise when necessary.
青少年交換計畫接待與派遣學生的輔導顧問為交換期間的聯絡管道。輔導顧問的職責是促進學生與扶輪社、接待家庭和整個社區之間的交流。輔導顧問應真誠關懷學生的福利及交換計畫的成功,並擔任學生尋求協助或撫慰的主要對象。輔導顧問和學生從一開始,應致力於建立開誠布公且公開的溝通管道,力求促進學生的安全感及幸福感。輔導顧問應力求贏得學生的信任及尊重,如此一來,才能在必要之際,立於給予協助和建議的最佳位置。 It is the responsibility of the
district and club leaders to properly train counselors
to respond to problems or concerns that may arise during
the exchange, including allegations of abuse or
Counselors are often expected
to carry out the following
- Contact the student before
arrival, and if necessary, assist with finalizing
travel arrangements.
- Make sure the student calls
home upon arrival.
- During the first week, work to
establish a good relationship to open the lines of
frank and concrete communication.
- Arrange to have copies made of
important documents to hold for safe keeping,
including the student's passport, visa, airline
ticket, and emergency contact list.
- Accompany the student to the
local school for enrollment.
- Work closely with teachers and
the school to ensure a positive transition for the
student into the community and activities.
- Establish the date and method
for payment of the monthly allowance.
- Maintain regular contact with
the student throughout the exchange.
- Send updates to the student's
parents or guardians about their child's progress.
- Remind the student of
important dates, such as host family members'
birthdays and appointments for club visits.
- Remind the club of the
student's birthday, planned club visits, and departure
and arrival dates.
- Help the student adapt to the
local culture and language.
- 在學生抵達前進行聯絡,必要時協助完成旅程計畫。
- 確認學生於抵達時向家人報平安。
- 學生抵達第一週時,著手建立良好關係,開啟雙方相互坦白且明確的溝通管道。
- 安排影印重要文件以利保管,包括學生護照、簽證、機票和緊急聯絡名單。
- 陪同學生前往本地學校辦理入學手續。
- 與校方及教師密切合作,確保學生順利融入社團與活動。
- 確立每月零用金的支付日期及方法。
- 在交換期間,定期與學生聯絡。
- 定期向學生家長或監護人報告其子女的進展。
- 提醒學生重要日子,如接待家庭成員的生日和約定造訪扶輪社的日期。
- 提醒扶輪社學生的生日、約定造訪扶輪社的日期、以及回國和抵達日期。
- 協助學生適應本地文化和語言。
Ask a Youth Exchange officer How does your district track club compliance
Alan Wylie, Youth Exchange chair for District
5890 (Texas, USA), replies:
扶輪地區如何追蹤扶輪社提交符合性表格的情形? 美國德州第5890地區青少年交換委員Alan
Wylie的答覆如下: |
Each Rotary club has the responsibility of
following the district compliance process. It is the
district's responsibility to collect the necessary forms
to ensure club compliance and maintain files to prove
compliance to auditors. A problem recently faced by
District 5890 was that host clubs would often fail to
keep track of what had or had not been submitted,
leaving the district compliance officer constantly
working to remind them about and forward forms.
各扶輪社負有遵守地區符合性過程之責。扶輪地區則負責收取必要的表格,確認扶輪社確有切實遵守,並保管檔案以向稽核員證明符合性。第5890扶輪地區最近遇到的問題,即是接待扶輪社常疏於追蹤哪些表格是否遞交,導致地區符合性委員常得提醒對方遞交表格。 In
response, District 5890 recently implemented a process
on its Web site that allows Rotary clubs to access their
current compliance status along with forms that need to
be submitted to the district.
為求妥善處理起見,第5890扶輪地區最近在網站上實施一項流程,讓扶輪社能評估目前的符合性狀態,並一併列出必須遞交給扶輪地區的表格。 The
a tool used to track club compliance status, is a
spreadsheet posted on the Web site. Each host club has a
designated row with various columns listing the
requirements for compliance. To further assist clubs in
determining which forms are needed, each column also
references the associated compliance form. Once a
club has fulfilled a requirement and sent the completed
form to the district compliance officer, the host club's
cell for that requirement is changed from red to
計分卡是追蹤扶輪社符合性狀態的工具,採用張貼在網站上的試算表格式。各接待扶輪社都有指定行列,內含不同欄位以列出符合性要求。為了進一步協助扶輪社決定需要哪些表格,各欄位亦引述了相關的符合性表格。每當扶輪社完成要求,並寄出填完的表格給地區符合性委員後,該接待扶輪社於該項要求的欄位顏色,則從紅色轉為綠色。 Each
week, the scorecard is updated and uploaded to the
district Web site. The end result allows host clubs
to have a reference as to what needs to be done,
streamlines their access to the necessary forms, and
helps them manage their compliance process without the
constant intervention of the district compliance
officer. Also, the presentation that District 5890 uses
to train host families, counselors, and volunteers is
available on the Web site,
allowing host clubs to conduct their own training.
計分卡每週更新上傳至扶輪地區網站。最終結果得以讓接待扶輪社參考哪些要求必須完成,簡化其取得必要表格的步驟,並協助管理符合性過程,地區符合性委員無須不時介入。此外,網站上亦提供了第5890扶輪地區用來訓練接待家庭、輔導顧問與志工的簡報,能讓接待社參考以自行訓練。 In
addition to tracking club compliance, the scorecard
includes extra columns to help the district meet other
challenges, including responding to meeting requests
from multidistricts or submitting completed guarantee
forms to partners abroad in a timely manner.
除了追蹤扶輪社符合性之外,計分卡還列有額外欄位,協助扶輪地區達成其他挑戰,包括回應數個地區提出的開會要求,或者及時提交填完的保證書給國外合作夥伴。 Please
visit the Web site for an example of what our district
is doing to further ease host club compliance.
請瀏覽網站以找到本地區如何減輕接待扶輪社符合性之責的例子。 The
compliance officers in District 5890's host clubs have
been trained via an audio conference and have provided
positive feedback. You are welcome to send your
comments to
Life with
Borna Last year, one
Rotary club, like many clubs around the world, was
apprehensive about continuing its participation in the
Youth Exchange program. However, with a bit of
determination from club members, an understanding of the
program's importance, and an effort to look at it in a
different light, the club paved a new path. Please
consider using this story, written by Rotarin Margaret
Combs from the Rotary club of Grainsveille in
Florida, when speaking with clubs that express anxiety
about hosting an exchange
Margaret Combs所寫的這篇故事為例。 |

After our Rotary exchanges in 2007-08, our club was
seriously considering no longer participating. However,
the club president determined that the program was too
important to just stop, as other clubs in our city had
done. The club's board finally agreed to continue. New
cochairs were appointed, and our club moved forward with
tepid enthusiasm for the Youth Exchange program.
本社於2007-08年舉辦過交換學生計畫後,開始認真思索不再參加計畫。然而,社長認為這項計畫非常重要,不該如市內其他扶輪社一般停辦。所以,社內理事會最後決定續辦。指定新任副主席之後,本社以不太積極的態度,繼續參加青少年交換計畫。 With
help from a past district governor, who was continually
encouraging the club's involvement, two students came to
us, a young girl of 15 from Spain and a young man of 17
from Croatia. First host families had been secured, and
each student was enrolled in a high school. When it was
time for the students to move to a new host family, the
club found itself without one for the young man. Our
delightful young lady from Spain moved successfully to
her next host home. My husband, the cochair of the
program, and I said, "While we think it would be best if
Borna" - the young man from Croatia - "were to go to a
home with other young people, if one cannot be found, we
would be happy to have him live with us."
透過不斷鼓勵本社參加的前任地區總監予以協助,有兩名學生交換至本社,一名是十五歲的西班牙女孩,一名是十七歲的克羅埃西亞男孩。本社首先確認招待家庭,兩名學生也在一所高中辦理入學了。當交換學生準備搬到新招待家庭時,本社發現男孩沒有接待家庭可收容。來自西班牙的快樂女孩,順利搬入了第二個接待家庭。我與丈夫(青少年交換計畫副主席)於是表示:「我們覺得對波納(克羅埃西亞的男孩)而言,能住入家中有其他青少年的接待家庭為佳,若無法找到適當的家庭,我們很高興與他同住。 Now,
my husband and I are probably not typical host parents.
While we are both Rotarians, my husband is a young 74
and retired. I am 68 and work part time as a writer. We
have grandchildren older than Borna. (In hindsight,
maybe those years and that level of experience turned
out to be a very good thing.) So, just after
Thanksgiving, we became the host parents of a now 18
year old.
現在的我與丈夫,或許不是標準的接待父母。我們都是扶輪社員,丈夫是朝氣蓬勃的七十四歲退休人士,六十八歲的我則是兼職作家。我們的孫子女都比波納年長。(事後看來,這樣的歲數與經驗,或許正是好事一樁)。所以,我們在感恩節之後,成為這名如今十八歲男孩的接待父母。 Borna
is exceptional. We quickly learned that this bright
young man who had wanted to come to the United States
since he was a small child had come with many
misconceptions about life in America. What a great
surprise we all three were about to have! The first
thing we did was tell Borna that there was nothing he
couldn't tell us.
波納非常特別。我們很快就瞭解到,這位從小就盼望來美國的出色男孩,對美國有著非常多的誤解。更讓人非常驚訝的是,我們三人都有著不少誤解!我們的首要之務,就是告訴波納可以無話不說。 In
that framework of openness, we soon learned that most of
his ideas about the United States came from movies and
television. No, we don't eat most meals at a fast food
restaurant, as he had been led to believe. Now every
evening after our sit-down dinner, every dish gets
ranked on his favorites list. So far, there are about 10
favorites, with one Mexican, one Chinese, and one
Japanese in origin. Some are just good Southern
在彼此開誠布公的環境下,我們很快就發現,他對於美國的想法,多半來自電影與電視。我們可不是多在速食店吃飯,他一直遭到誤導而如此深信。現在,我們每晚共進晚餐後,每盤菜都成為他的最愛名單。到目前為止,他列出了十道最愛,一道是墨西哥菜,一道是中國菜、還有一道源自日本的菜餚。有些是不錯的南方料理。 He
also discovered peanut butter and sweet potatoes, two of
the foods he'd never seen before. His peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches are at least 2 inches thick - mostly
peanut butter. We had forgotten what a marvelous food it
is, and also began to see sweet potatoes in a new light.
He discovered these at the Thanksgiving week Rotary club
meeting. He attends twice each month and speaks at the
other clubs in the city.
– 大多是花生醬。我們都忘了花生醬是多麼棒的食物,亦開始以全新角度來看待甜馬鈴薯。波納是在扶輪社於感恩週舉行的餐會上找到這兩種食物。他每個月參加兩次會議,並在市內其他扶輪社演講。 Along
with food discoveries came the continual questions:
Which was better or which was worse? Which was right or
which was wrong? My husband and I had both forgotten
about the black-and-white thinking of a person just
discovering so many new things.
隨著發現新食物而來的是源源不絕的問題:哪些比較好或是哪些比較不好?我與丈夫都忘了,人們剛發現到如此多新事物時,必然會浮現的是非兩分思維。 We
found that our role was not just to feed his body - no
small job for an athletic 18 year old. Our job was also
to feed his mind, to help him learn critical thinking
skills. With these skills, no matter what he encounters
this year, he'll be able to take the good and use it in
life while he discards those experiences that will not
serve him well.
我們發現自己的責任不僅是讓男孩衣食無虞而已,雖然對有著運動員體格的十八歲男孩而言,這不是一件容易的差事。我們的工作還包括充實他的心靈,協助他學習重要的思考技巧。有了這些技巧,無論他在這一年遇到了什麼,都能掌握其中的優點,並將其運用在自我人生之中,同時擺脫那些不適合自己的體驗。 We
also learned about the YouTube mentality. Young people
today get so much of their information from the Internet
and accept what they see as the absolute truth. It has
been a great joy to watch him see and read many new
things that are very different from the Internet images
that are often Photoshopped and presented in a less than
accurate manner.
我們還瞭解到YouTube對心性的影響。今日的青少年從網路上吸收了如此多的資訊,並將其視為理所當然的事實。看到男孩看見且得知如此多的新鮮事,而且截然不同於以不太精確的形式拍攝呈現的網路影像,對我們而言可謂是莫大的喜悅 Life
with Borna has never been boring. It has been a joy to
see him grow, see him learn, and see him experience
things that affected many of the expectations and
attitudes he brought with him to the United States.
Thanks to the Rotary Youth Exchange program, Borna is
getting a clearer view of the world. As he goes through
his life, I know that his exchange year will help shape
his views of Americans and broaden his views of people
all over the world.
與波納共度的生活永遠不會無聊。我們很高興看著他成長、望著他學習、見到他體驗許多事物,這些事物影響了他來到美國時持有的諸多期待及態度。多虧扶輪社的青少年交換計畫,波納逐漸獲得更明確的世界觀。隨著他體驗人生,我知道這一年的交換學生生活,將協助他塑造出對美國人的看法,拓展他對世界人類的觀點。 Finally,
it would be a terrible omission if I didn't say that
life with Borna has had a profound impact on his host
families and our club. I know that our Rotary club will
not hesitate again to be an enthusiastic participant in
Rotary Youth Exchange. I also believe Borna has taught
us a great deal about how to have those experiences with
the international students be more positive for everyone
involved. While Borna may not ever be here again, he is
leaving an indelible footprint in which other future
exchange students can walk.
最後,若不提到與波納共度的生活,對他的接待家庭和接待扶輪社,確實帶來了深遠的影響,那可真是一大疏失。我知道本社將不再猶豫,必然成為扶輪社青少年交換計畫的熱誠參與者。我也相信波納為我們上了寶貴的一課,瞭解到如何讓參與其中的所有人,對接待國際學生持有更正面的經驗。波納或許不會再度來訪,他卻留下了不可磨滅的足跡,讓往後的交換學生得以依循而行。 |
Promoting the global student.
推廣全球化學生 |
 Youth Exchange staff members have
been fortunate to receive an advance copy of a book
promoting international student exchange. The New
Global Student: Skip the SAT, Save Thousands on Tuition,
and Get a Truly International Education, was written
by Maya Frost, wife of a former exchange student and
mother to three former Rotary Youth Exchange students.
The book includes a variety of recommendations for
students and highlights the many benefits of
participating in a long-term high school exchange
program. Frost names Youth Exchange the most recommended
program in the chapter titled "The Boldest Adventure: A
Year Long High School Exchange." Former Youth Exchange
Committee Chair Dennis White was interviewed by Frost
and provides perspective and advice on dealing with
culture shock.
White接受作者邀請,針對處理文化衝擊方面,提供了各項意見和建言。 For
more information or to search for a book promotion event
near you, visit To learn
more or purchase the book, due out 19 May, please visit
the publisher's Web site.
Newly certified
districts |
Every two weeks, the list of Non-Certified
districts is updated here.
H1N1 Flu Information |
As recommended by CSIET, please visit
for resources regarding the H1N1 Flu.
Get your idea highlighted!
Please consider submitting information to share
with your fellow Rotarians on how you conduct your
inbound and outbound orientations or recruitment.
Upcoming Youth Exchange events
If you would like information on
your national or international conference published in
upcoming editions of this newsletter, please e-mail us
at |
The 14th annual Japan Youth Exchange
Conference May 23- 24, 2009
National Olympics Memorial Youth Center,
Tokyo, Japan.
2009 Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention
19-20 June Birmingham,
England Contact: Information
2009 Summer South Central Rotary
Youth Exchange (SCRYE)
Conference 17-19 July Omaha,
Nebraska Contact: Don Peters,
57th EMMA Conference in Reykjavik,
4-6 September 2009
Australian Rotary Youth Exchange Chairs
Conference 9-11 October SurfAir Marcoola
Beach Resort Sunshine Coast, Queensland,
Australia Contact: Neville Woodforth,
| |
Questions and
Please send
any questions, comments, or ideas for future issues of
this newsletter to
| | |
Contribute to the "Ask a Youth
Exchange officer" corner!
Questions to ponder:
"What are some tips for inbound and outbound
recruitment and orientations?"
"What is it about your orientations that is so
| | |