Rotary Youth Exchange Multidistrict Taiwan of Districts 3460,3470,3490 & 3510
Founding History of the First RYE Multidistrict Organization in Taiwan

台灣的國際扶輪青少年交換計劃(簡稱YEP),是在1996-97年間由D3480派遣與接待各3位交換學生開始,但是,第一個YEP的多地區組織,卻是D3460、D3470與D3490在2006年10月1日共同成立的「財團法人國際扶輪青少年交換教育基金會」,英文名稱為-Rotary Youth Exchange Multidistrict Taiwan of Districts 3460,3470,3490 (簡稱「RYEMT」)。

The Rotary International Youth Exchange Program of Taiwan (or YEP for short) started with three outbound students and three inbound students of D3480 in the period between 1996 and 1997. However, it was the joint effort of districts D3460, D3470, and D3490 that saw to the organization of the first YEP multidistrict organization on October 1, 2006. The organization was named the “Rotary Youth Exchange Multidistrict Taiwan of Districts 3460, 3470, and3490” (or RYEMT for short).

這個基金會設立時的名稱沒有「扶輪」二字,它是由原先負責規劃、建制並積極推動D3480 YEP的社友PDG Jimmy李啟銘(台北延平社)、CP James吳國風(台北大龍峒社)、CP Su-mei林素梅(中和福美社)與PP Mekking黃正雄(中和社)等人所捐款成立的。當時,這幾位扶輪先進認為,扶輪YEP不該只在3480地區舉辦,更應推廣到全台灣各個扶輪地區,讓台北以外的青年學子也能藉此交換計劃來培養國際觀與獨立自主的能力;同時也讓東部與中南部更具特色的我國文化能透過外籍學生宣揚到國際。此外,3480地區YEP委員會的部分經費是來自該地區各扶輪社的捐款,依規定也不能撥用給其它地區;因此,為協助台北以外扶輪地區推展此項計劃,他們就在2001年10月間合捐二百萬元,向當時尚未提高基金門檻的台北縣政府提出申請,順利完成設立登記,旋即推選PP Teacher林溪漢(台北北門社)擔任首屆董事長,嗣後由PP Paul蔡哲芳(中和社)接任第二屆董事長,CP James吳國風接任第三屆董事長。

Initially, the word Rotary was not included in the RYEMT title during its establishment. The foundation came into being through the donations of D3480 YEP Rotarian PDG Jimmy Lee (Rotary Club of Taipei Yenping), CP James Wu (Rotary Club of Taipei Dalongtong), CP Su-mei (Rotary Club of Chungho Fumei), and PP Mekking (Rotary Club of Chungho) who were tasked with the planning and organization of the foundation. At the time, these pioneering Rotarians deemed that the Rotary YEP should not be limited to District 3480 only; instead, it should be promoted in every Rotary district of Taiwan; thus, youths and students residing outside Taipei may also avail of the YEP opportunities and further enhance their international perspectives and learn to be more independent. Moreover, the foreign exchange students assigned to the eastern, central and southern regions of Taiwan may serve as channels through which ethnic allure of Taiwan’s local cultures may be gain international exposure. Furthermore, a portion of the budget allocated to the YEP committee of District 3480 came from donations of rotary clubs of this District; hence, by rule, such funds could not appropriated for other districts. Therefore, in an effort to assist the rotary districts outside Taipei in promoting the YEP, these dedicated Rotarians donated a total of NT$2 million in October of 2001, and applied for registration with the Taipei County Government before the government’s policy to raise the threshold of foundation establishment. The application smoothly passed the government examination and was granted official registration. Thereafter, PP Teacher (Rotary Cub of Taipei Beimen) was elected as the Chairman of the First Board of Directors of the RYEMT. His term was followed by PP Paul (Rotary Club of Chungho), the second Board Chairman, and CP James, the third Board Chairman.

被推崇為「台灣YEP之父」的PDG..Jimmy李啟銘,2004年卸任3480地區總監後,原本打算與董事們利用基金會協助其它地區推展YEP。不料,竟遭該地區極少數的社友誤解,甚至意圖串連其它地區總監抵制基金會的運作。所幸,3460、3470與3490地區早期曾委託3480地區派遣自家子女的社友家長,在熱心推動各地區YEP委員會的運作時,受限於當時各地區沒有與國外聯繫的管道,所以,從2004-05年度起,就尋求因派遣子女而熟識的PDG Jimmy等社友協助,利用該基金會來爭取國外的交換名額;PDG Jimmy等人更於2005-06年聘任上述三個地區的YEP主委與熱心社友擔任董事,參與基金會的相關決策。

Recognized as the Father of Taiwan YEP, PDG Jimmy, together with other RYEMT directors initially planned to make use of RYEMT to aid the implementation of YEP projects in other districts after the conclusion of his term as District 3480 Governor in 2004. Unfortunately, his plan was misunderstood by a small minority of District 3480 Rotarians who attempted to organize the district governors of other Rotary districts to oppose the RYEMT operations. Fortunately, when some Rotarian parents from Districts 3460, 3470, and 3490 whose children formerly participated in the YEP as outbound students through the help of District 3480 encountered certain limitations due to absence of international communication links in every district while promoting the YEP committee operations, in year 2004-2005, they asked the assistance and support of PDG Jimmy and other Rotarians with whom they made acquaintance when processing the YEP application for their children to obtain some exchange student placement quota from other countries through RYEMT aid. Then in year 2005-06, PDG Jimmy et al. appointed the YEP committee chairmen and dedicated Rotarians of the aforementioned three districts to serve as directors of RYEMT and take part in the policy making matters of RYEMT.

但是,依照RI規定,上述基金會要成為扶輪YEP共同運作的窗口,需修改章程,訂立組織細則,且需參加地區的總監認可,並取得地區內三分之二以上扶輪社的同意,才可以向RI報准並獲公告。為此,經PDG..Jimmy多次懇託,邀得D3480嫺熟國際事務且語文能力極佳的PP.Hydraulic溫弘吉(台北社)允諾相助;他立即向RI諮詢相關規定,並向美國的多地區組織索取章程與細則,親自連夜趕工譯成中文,隨即與PDG Jimmy、董事長CP James以及時任D3460 YEP主委的PP Lawyer王叔榮(台中南門社)展開一連串的研議,短短三個月內,修改章程14次、修改組織細則十六次。原本希望在2006年初就可獲得三個地區總監認可,並徵得多數社同意。不料,除了原本完全不懂什麼是YEP而被指派擔任D3490 YEP主委的本人,經努力討教與學習後,竟能爭取到當屆地區總監、也就是現任基金會董事長PDG Surgeon許國文(羅東西區社)認同外,其他2個地區總監都以當屆總監們想參照中華扶輪教育基金會的模式成立國內YEP多地區組織為由,一再推拒,以致在當屆成立YEP多地區組織的努力,功敗垂成。

However, pursuant to RI regulations, for the RYEMT to become a jointly operated window of the Rotary YEP, its bylaws should be amended and provisions of its organizations should be defined. Moreover, approbation of the governors of participating districts and the consent of at least two-thirds of the rotary clubs within the district was required before matter could be presented to RI and posted for announcement. Hence, after the repeated supplication of PDG Jimmy, RYEMT obtained the commitment of PP Hydraulic of D3480 who is familiar with international affairs and capable of communicating fluently in English; PP Hydraulic immediately inquired RI about relevant regulations and rushed the Chinese translation of the bylaws and rules that he obtained from the U.S. multi-district organization overnight. Thereafter, PDG Jimmy, Chairman CP James, and D3460 YEP committee chairman PP Lawyer Wang (Rotary Club of Taichung Nanmen) intensively studied the bylaw provisions. In a three-month period, they amended the bylaw provisions 14 times and the organizational rules 16 times. Initially, it was hoped that approbation of the governors of these three districts and the subsequent majority consent of Rotarians may be obtained by early 2006. Unfortunately, except for District 3490 YEP committee chairman PP Chien (Rotary Club of Sanchong Chienxi) who was able to obtain the approbation of his district governor, that is, the current RYEMT Chairman PDG Surgeon (Rotary Club of Luotong West), the governors of other two districts refused approbation on the pretext that the incumbent district governors would intent to establish the Taiwan YEP multidistrict organization under the mode of Chung Hwa Rotary Education Foundation. Hence, efforts for the establishment of the RYEMT at the time had been fraught with obstacles.

三個地區的委員們深感YEP多地區組織之性質與中華扶輪教育基金會差異甚大,都認為不應勉強移植後者的組織型態。但是,如果無法將基金會向RI報准為YEP多地區組織,上述基金會的志工就不便再以D3480社友身分,代表三個地區對外參與YEP會議、向國外地區爭取交換名額。而三個地區在短期內又無法即時找到能與國外聯繫的特派員Correspondent,並爭取到必要的交換名額,眼看著2006年底三個地區的交換名額不知何在的窘境下,只好寄望各地區的2006-07總監當選人。所幸,在三個地區全體YEP委員通力合作下,終於獲得3490地區DG TV陳順從(花蓮社)、3470地區DG Robert蔡文斌(台南府城社,即本基金會第三屆董事長)、3460地區DG Music劉昭惠(台中中央社)等人允諾將基金會轉為YEP多地區組織。為此,PDG Jimmy李啟銘、CP James吳國風及PP Lawyer王叔榮等人積極協助三個地區完成YEP的RI認證(各地區參與YEP的必要資格),而三位總監也在上任後,立即發函並徵得各地區絕大多數扶輪社同意,台灣第一個yep多地區組織終於誕生。

Committee members of these three districts strongly believed that the nature of the RYEMT distinctively differs from that of the Chung Hwa Rotary Education Foundation, and thus deemed that the former should not be forcibly established under the organizational pattern of the latter. Nevertheless, if the foundation could not be registered with the RI as a YEP multidistrict organization, it would be difficult for the volunteers of the foregoing foundation to represent the three districts in other YEP conferences as D3480 Rotarians or to apply for foreign exchange student quotas with foreign districts. Moreover, within the near future, these three districts would be unable to find a correspondent to handle the international liaison matters and negotiate foreign exchange student arrangements. Faced with the dilemma of not knowing with which country these three districts may clinch a foreign exchange student arrangement by the yearend of 2006, the only hope remaining could only be pinned on the incoming governor of each district for the 2006-2007 term. Fortunately, under the concerted efforts of all of the YEP committee members of these three districts, they were able to obtain the consents of the following district governors for converting the foundation into a YEP multidistrict organization: DG TV Chen (Notary Club of Hualien) of District 3490, DG Robert Tsai (Rotary Club of Tainan Annan, also the third Board Chairman of RYEMT) of District 3470, and DG Music Liu (Rotary Club of Taichung Central) of District 3460. For this purpose, PDG Jimmy Lee, CP James Wu, and PP Lawyer Wang aggressively assisted the three districts in processing the RI certification of the YEP, an essential prerequisite for attending district YEP activities. Upon assuming their terms of office, the three district governors immediately issued letters, and after obtaining the consent of a huge majority of the Rotary Club chapters, the first RYEMT in Taiwan was born.

上述三位總監也依基金會章程規定,各指派地區YEP主委等三位社友擔任董事,並於2006年10月1日推選時任台灣省水利技師公會理事長的PP.Engineer陳明信(鹿港社)擔任基金會轉為YEP多地區組織的首任董事長,同年12月下旬備齊章程、組織細則、總監與各社同意書等文件之英譯文,向RI申報本基金會為3460、3470與3490三個地區的YEP多地區組織;2007.01.07假台北凱薩飯店舉行成立大會;會中,PDG Robert蔡文斌率先捐款10萬元,PDG Jimmy李啟銘有感於心願已跨出一大步,慷慨捐款20萬元,其他社友也在首任副秘書長PP Pauline林佩穎(土城山櫻社)的熱情帶動下踴躍捐款,總計高達150萬元,為本多地區基金會凝聚了堅實可貴的基礎;半個月後的2007.01.23,也收到RI正式認可本多地區基金會的公文。

The aforementioned three governors appointed three YEP committee chairmen as the RYEMT directors pursuant to the RYEMT bylaws. On October 1, 2006, the Chairman of the Taiwan Association of Hydraulic Engineer, PP Engineer Chen (Rotary Club of Lukang) was nominated to be the first Board Chairman of the recently organized RYEMT, and in the latter half of December of the same year, translation of the organization bylaws, organization rules, letters of consent of district governors and fellow Rotarian into English was completed. A registration application was filed with the RI for the RYEMT of Districts 3460, 3470, and 3490. On Jan. 7, 2007, a general convention was held at Hyatt Hotel Taipei, and during which, PDG Robert Tsai started the fund raising ball rolling by donating NT$100,000. PDG Jimmy Lee who was glad to see the great progress made for the RYEMT donated NT$200,000; other Rotarians following the lead and enthusiasm of the first Deputy Secretary-General PP Pauline (Rotary Club of Tucheng Shanying) also donated generously. The convention raised a total of NT$1.5 million for RYEMT, thereby establishing a sound financial foundation for the RYEMT. Two weeks later on Jan. 23, 2007, RYEMT received the official RI certification of its multidistrict organization.

首屆多地區基金會在董事長PP Engineer陳明信帶領下,不但指派代表積極參加國外YEP年會,藉以觀摩與聯誼;更委請DG Robert蔡文斌總監協助3510地區成立YEP委員會;經該地區DG Cookie吳輝龍通力合作下,終於在任期屆滿之前,徵得該地區三分之二以上扶輪社同意,隨後由接任的DG Steve陳思明總監於2007.06.28申請加入本多地區基金會;第二屆董事長PP Steel林萬得上任後,立即召開董事會通過該地區的申請,正式成為會員地區。PP Steel董事長任內,也委請當時D3490YEP主委PP Pauline林佩穎協同D3520YEP主委PP Hipo陳思明,共同定期邀請七個地區YEP主委,彙整搜集相關資料並溝通檢討後,分門別類提出心得及提案報告,再編集成冊,成為日後YEP志工的重要參考資料;不但開啟國內七個地區YEP的合作大門,也為七個地區YEP整合成單一多地區組織的願景埋下可貴的種子。

Under the stalwart leadership of the first RYEMT Chairman, PP Engineer Chen, not only was the RYEMT able to send representatives to attend YEP annual conventions held overseas for observation studies and enhancement of liaison ties, but also requested the assistance of DG. Robert Tsai in the organization of the YEP committee of District 3510. Through the joint efforts of DG Cookie WU, the committee was able to obtain the consent of at least two-thirds of Rotarians before the end of the first term of the Board. Thereafter, DG Steve Chen who succeeded him applied for RYEMT membership on June 28, 2007. When the second RYEMT Board Chairman PP Steel Lin assumed leadership, he immediately summoned a board meeting and passed a resolution approving registration of the district, thus the district became an official member district of the RYEMT. During his term, Chairman PP Steel also appointed the D3490 YEP committee chairwoman of the time, PP Pauline, together with D3520 YEP committee chairman PP Hipo to invite the YEP committee chairpersons of seven districts on a regular basis to meet and gather related information. Discussions on the matter were conducted, and the attending chairpersons shared their ideas and presented project reports. The reports were compiled into a book for the future reference of YEP volunteers. The meeting not only opened the door of cooperation among the YEPs of the seven districts but also planted the essential seed for the future consolidation of these seven district YEPs into a single multidistrict body.


At the end of his term in 2008, former D3470 DG Robert Tsai was nominated to the position of Chairman in the third RYEMT Board of Directors election. Under his leadership, the RYEMT successfully negotiated the inclusion of foreign students in the National Health Insurance coverage; moreover, considering that the regular annual conventions of multidistrict organizations in foreign nations would grant the participating YEP volunteers a chance to interact and observe and allow the exchange students to share their learning experiences and to present performances during the conventions, thereby fostering the international understanding and amity, despite general doubt on its necessity, he organized the first RYEMT annual convention in Taiwan. He selected representative outbound students, inbound students, counselors, host parents, and host schools from the four districts and requested them to present their ideas and experiences in the convention. At the same time, he organized group discussion of various matters involving the exchange student program. The thorough communication and exchange of ideas enabled the YEPs of Taiwan to achieve a significant milestone.

第四屆董事長由 D3460 RYE 前主委王叔榮接任。對於極少數前總監認為本基金會董事長未由 PDG 或 DG 擔任而有異見,他在本屆首次董事會就主動提議修改章程予以配合,並建議自當屆生效;但與會董事及顧問熱列討論後,未予認可,僅建議各輪派董事長之地區,儘可能推薦熱心推展 RYE 的前總監來擔任。就外籍學生來台前未購足保險而造成接待上之困擾,委由董事蔡錦富(台南社)、顧問陳志倩(三重千禧社)共同與三商美邦人壽公司議訂符合 RI 標準的保險契約;他也代表本基金會與信用卡聯徵中心簽約,方便外籍生來台前即可刷卡購買上述保險以資解決問題。此外,經由特派員溫弘吉的折衝談判,爭取到拉丁美洲的接待地區需為我們的派遣學生安排 60 小時當地語言免費教學的交換條件。第二屆研討會在台中市舉辦(更改名稱),創新安排其他會員地區的外籍學生入住主辦地區的接待家庭,減省學生負擔,也促進聯誼,更避免管理上困擾;研討會內容,增加已歸國而目前在台灣或大陸就讀的外籍學生及派遣家長代表的心得分享;另外,更邀請美國多地區組織 YEO 與日本代表,介紹其組織運作的模式與經驗,及兩國 RYE 的現況與發展;不但讓 RYE 志工多了觀摩與學習的機會,也為本多地區組織的研討會日後提升為國際性的 RYE 交流平台,開啟了令人充滿期待的前景。

The 4th Chair elected to office is the former D3460 RYE Chairperson Lawyer Wang. Since a small minority of previous governors opposed the idea of a electing a non-PDG or non-DG candidate to the position of foundation chairperson, Chairperson Wang presented a motion to amend the foundation bylaws to its effect in the first Board of Directors meeting of the term, and further moved to have the amended bylaw put to immediate effect. However, after a heated deliberation of attending directors and consultants, the motion was denied. The meeting merely resolved to recommend that the districts of the respectively appointed chairpersons should nominate a dedicated former RYE governor for the position. On the matter of insufficient insurance coverage for inbound students causing difficulties in the student reception procedures, Director EQ Tsai (Rotary Club of Tainan) and Consultant Chien Chen (Rotary Club of Sanchung Chianshi) are requested to discuss the problem with Mercuries Life Insurance Co., Ltd. and devise an insurance policy that would meet RI standards. Moreover, on behalf of the foundation, Chairperson Wang signed an agreement with the Joint Credit Information Center, thereby affording inbound students the convenience of paying for their insurance premiums through credit cards. Furthermore, he assigned Correspondent Hydraulic Wun to negotiate with Latin American host districts for 60-hour free language course provided to Taiwanese exchange students outgoing to their respective districts. In the second seminar held in Taichung City (title amended), he innovatively arranged for inbound students from other member-districts to stay in the homes of host families of the host district to ease the students’ financial burdens and foster the development of liaison and friendship. The measure also reduced management difficulties. The seminar additionally included the experience sharing of foreign exchange students who had returned home but are currently studying in Taiwan or China and the parent-representatives of host families. Furthermore, the US multidistrict organization YEO and Japan representative(s) were invited to introduce the mode of operations and operating experiences of their respective organizations and the status quo and developments of the RYE programs in their respective countries. The program not only provided RYE volunteers with greater observation and learning opportunities but also enhanced the international RYE exchange platform of the multidistrict organization in Taiwan after the seminar. It opened new horizons holding great promise and expectations.

第五屆董事長由 D3490 前總監許國文接任。他是國內首位支持本基金會轉型成為 RYE 多地區組織的總監;雖然當年未能如願,但如果沒有他睿智明快的決定,各會員地區 YEO 的熱情恐已澆熄,不僅本 RYE 多地區組織能否在次年成立,令人質疑;國內的 RYE 是否會出現多地區組織,更教人無法想像。他在任內,除親自參與日本 RYE 全國會議,爭取交換機會;也積極鼓勵特派員出席 RYE 國際會議,修訂特派員參與國際會議的費用支領原則。本屆 RYE 多地區研討會在台南市舉行,除邀請美、日不同多地區組織的 YEO 代表,又增邀韓國、泰國、芬蘭及澳洲的資深 YEO 分享寶貴經驗,擴大國際交流,提高 RYEMT 的國際形象。

The 5th Chair elected to office is the former D3490 Governor Surgeon Hsu. He was the first governor in the country to support the transition of the foundation organization into a multi-district structure. Although he had not succeeded in his plan that year, without his strong resolve in decision-making, the enthusiasm of the respective member-district YEOs would have been extinguished and having this RYE multi-district organization established in the next year would have been a huge question in itself; in fact, the establishment of a RYE multi-district organization in country would have been unimaginable, needless to say. During his term, Chair Hsu personally attended the national RYE conference in Japan and was able to gain an opportunity for exchange. He also aggressively urged correspondents to attend international RYE conferences and amended the expense subsidy principles for correspondents attending international conferences. In the year’s RYE multidistrict seminar held in Tainan City, he not only invited the YEO representatives of the multidistrict organizations of the United States and Japan, but also lengthened the invitation list to make it possible for senior YEOs of South Korea, Thailand, Finland, and Australia to share their valuable experiences, thereby broadening the international exchanges of the seminar and raising the RYEMT international image to a greater height.

第六屆董事長由 D3510 前總監韓明惠接任。原本未參與過 RYE,為勝任職責,她在上個年度就積極參加本基金會董事會以及 D3510 的 RYE 委員會;上任後,不但親臨日本 RYE 全國會議,接續爭取交換機會;就歐美各國對我國開放觀光免簽證,反而造成派遣學生簽證困難乙事,委由特派員黃錦雲(南投社)與外交部積極協商改善;另就各國 RYE 不同保險制度與我國健保強制投保所引發的爭議,責由保險委員會專案研議;而為讓 RYE 的繁雜事務能順利運作與交接,成立專案小組研訂各項標準作業程序;第四屆研討會在高雄市舉辦,邀約國外YEO,擴及瑞士與巴西,讓目前推展 RYE 主要國家的 YEO 充分瞭解本多地區組織各會員地區優良的接待環境與成效。

The 6th Chair elected to office is the former D3510 Governor Gleaner Han. She had no previous experiences in RYE before; hence, in preparation for her new office, she proactively attended the Board of Directors meetings of the foundation and RYE Committee meetings in the previous year. Upon assuming office, she not only attended the national convention of the Japan RYE but also continued to vie for exchange opportunities. The tourist visa deregulation policy with Europe and the U.S. had, on the contrary, created difficulties in obtaining visas for exchange students. The task of negotiating visa matters with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was delegated to Correspondent Chin-Yun Huang (Notary Public of Nantou); on the other hand, the task of settling disputes resulting from differences in the insurance policy systems of other nations was delegated to the insurance committee for planning and negotiation. To ensure the smooth operation of the complex RYE affairs and exchange matters, a special task force was organized to study and define the respective standard operating procedures. In the fourth seminar held in Kaohsiung City, the foreign YEO guest list was further lengthened to include Switzerland and Brazil to enable the YEOs of major countries currently involved in the RYE programs to fully understand the excellent host environments and program implementation of the various member-district of our multidistrict organization.

本多地區組織已進入第七個年度,由 D3470 前總監陳俊朵接任董事長。他在 D3470 總監任內,將 RYE 訂為百週年紀念事業之一,積極推廣有成;同時以「源、緣、圓」做為年度主題,與地區全體社友共勉。本屆他倡議 RYE Motto「扶輪源 RYE 緣服務圓」,以「源緣圓」的扶輪原點,衷心感佩歷屆董事顧問及各會員地區 YEO 對 RYE 的專業努力與奉獻;也盼望與本屆董事顧問們共同珍惜為 RYE 付出的機緣,讓各會員地區 RYE 推展得更圓滿;除了先敦聘上屆董事長擔任「RYE 作業標準」專案小組召集人俾完成「RYE SOP」;為消弭少數前總監對本多地區組織及地區委員會運作的誤解,他更私下費心去溝通釐清;而為免不必要之誤解再發生,則委請前董事長 Lawyer 擔任召集人研擬修改章程,擴大參與,各會員地區 DGE 也擔任本基金會董事,讓他們在就任前可以先瞭解 RYE 多地區組織及各地區委員會的運作。另外,就國內七個地區 RYE 的整合願景,他也深入瞭解問題的癥結,期以更圓融的方法,盡力化解障礙,促使因緣成熟,讓台灣 RYE 單一多地區組織的平台早日實現,回應台灣扶輪人的期待。

The multidistrict organization is entering its 7th year of operation under the leadership of its Chair, former D3470 Governor Computer Chen. While holding the office of D3470 Governor, Chair Chen had aggressively and successfully promoted the inclusion of the RYE in the commemorative centennial celebrations of the foundation. He defined the “root, serendipity and harmony” as the theme of the year to foster and encourage cooperation among fellow Rotarians. For his term, he promoted the RYE motto of “Rotary root, RYE serendipity, and service harmony”, and through the “root, serendipity and harmony” Rotary core, sincerely thanked the dedication and contributions of past directors and consultants and YEOs of the various member-districts to the RYE. He also hoped that the concurrent RYE directors and consultants would value the opportunity of working together for the RYE to make the efforts of the respective member-districts more fruitful. Moreover, he retained the former chair to head the task force for formulating the RYE standard operating procedures to realize a defined RYE SOP. Furthermore, he personally explained and communicated with the minority of former governors to dispel their misunderstandings on the operations of the multidistrict organization and district committees; to avert the unnecessary misconceptions, he delegated the task of the bylaw evaluation and revision to the leadership of former Chair Lawyer, and to foster wider participation, he invited DGEs of the member-districts to join the Board of Directors of the foundation, thus enabling them to gain an understanding of the various RYE multidistrict organization and district committee operations before they may start assuming office. In addition, he also conducted an in-depth understanding of the problems and bottlenecks in the inter-district relations for the future integration of seven district RYEs and implementation of more harmonious methods. He endeavored to resolve barriers and foster more mature relations for the early realization of the single RYE multidistrict organization of Taiwan and fulfillment of the expectation of Rotarians in Taiwan.

本 RYEMT 多地區組織成立以來,要感謝各會員地區的歷屆總監,因為他們睿智地指派擁有 RYE 豐富經驗的社友擔任董事,協助各會員地區推展派遣與接待工作;同時又督導各會員地區逐年提升派遣學生的素質,強化各扶輪志工、家庭與學校的接待水準,因此,不但有越來越多的外籍學生優先選擇來本多地區組織所屬會員地區交換;且4個地區的派遣學生人數,從 2006-07 年的 40 位,增加到今(2012-13)年的 170 位,成長 4 倍有餘;其中,不僅美、加兩國從 13 個名額倍數地成長到今年的 28 個;歐洲更從 2006 年的 5 國 8 個名額,飛躍成長到 2012-13 年的 12 國 41 名額;澳洲從 2011-12 年起也開始與本多地區組織交換 3 個名額。如果連同其他三個非會員地區(D3480、D3500、D3520)的交換學生,李啟銘在八年前所許下全台灣「於 2010 年前達成 500 名學生進出」的心願,早已實現了;對於他的先知、毅力與始終如一的奉獻精神,實在是扶輪典範,令人佩服之至。

Thanks to the dedication of the past governors of the respective member districts we see the realization of the RYEMT multidistrict organization. Their foresight in delegating Rotarians with rich RYE experience to assume the directors had aided the respective member districts determining and delegating hosting duties and, at the same time, monitored the gradual improvement of the standards of outgoing students, enhancement of the quality of Rotarian volunteers, host families, and schools. Hence, an increasing number of foreign students are selecting the member-districts under the umbrella of our multidistrict organization; for instance, the number of inbound students to the 4 districts had rose from 40 students of school-year 2006-07 to 170 students this year (2012-13), achieving a growth exceeding four folds. Quota of inbound students from the Unites States and Canada had soared from 13 to 28 this year, and the quota of exchange students soared from 8 students from 5 European countries in 2006 to 41 students from 12 countries in the 2012-13 school-year; moreover, the quota of inbound students from Australia to our multidistrict organization was 3 in school-year 2011 -2012. If we are to include the inbound students of the three non-member districts (D3480, D3500, and D3520), the goal that Chi-Ming Lee had set for Taiwan eight years ago “500 inbound and outbound students by year 2010” has long been realized. His foresight, persistence, and resolute spirit of dedication are indeed an admirable exemplification of the Rotarian spirit.

當然,本 RYEMT 多地區組織的交換成果能如此快速成長,相當大一部分也必需歸功於特派員(Correspondents)的努力,包括:溫弘吉、吳國風、張文啟、蔡文芳(台南佳里社)、鄭泱昌(五股社)、黃元碩(台南社)、陳媛(樹林芳園社)、黃錦雲(南投社友)、施弼耀(高雄社)與李威霖(板橋群英社)等人;由於他們不辭辛勞地出國開會,提交心得報告與中肯建議;也經常通宵達旦地與交換地區的 YEO 協調處理學生的問題,更要維繫好雙方的情誼,才能讓交換的名額持續增長,滿足學生與家長的需求,所以,沒有他們無私、熱情的奉獻,扶輪 RYE 根本就無法推動。

Naturally, a huge slice of the rapid growth of the exchange student program of our RYEMT multidistrict organization should be credited to the diligent endeavors of our correspondents; namely, Hydraulic Wun, James Wu, Joe Chang, Bill Tsai (Rotary Club of Tainan Chia Li), Car Cheng (Rotary Club of Wuku), Akira Huang (Rotary Club of Tainan), Tiffany Chen (Rotary Club of Shulin Fangyuan), Doris Huang (Rotary Club of Nantou), Mark Shih (Rotary Club of Kaohsiung), and William Lee (Panchiao Elite Rotary Club). They have untiringly attended overseas conferences, submitted experience sharing reports, and proposed improvement recommendations. They had worked late hours, responsibly attending to coordinating matters with the YEOs of exchange districts and resolution of student problems; moreover, they saw to the maintenance of fine relations with the counterpart districts, thereby fostering the continued growth in exchange student quotas to satisfy the demands of local students and parents. Without their selfless and passionate dedication, the RYE program of the Rotary would never have materialized.

不過,這個 RYEMT 多地區組織仍有賴各地區總監、總監當選人、總監提名人與所有扶輪前輩的持續關心與指導;更期盼有更多優秀的青少年朋友參加這項交換計劃,不但可以感受「脫胎換骨」的改變魅力,讓接待地區的民眾認識台灣,也讓派遣家長與社友更樂於付出與奉獻。同時,透過更精緻、更友善的接待,讓更多的國外青少年朋友前來交換後,打從心底熱愛台灣,樂於推銷台灣,都成為台灣的最佳代言人。果能如此,扶輪所揭示促進瞭解、友誼與和平的崇高理想,即使未達,亦不遠矣!

Our RYEMT multidistrict organization still strongly relies on the continued concern and guidance of the respective district governors, governors-elect, governor nominees, and senior Rotarians. We hope that there would be more outstanding youths participating in this exchange program, not only to experience the allure of a complete metamorphosis, but also to enable people in the host district to learn about Taiwan, thus attracting more outbound student parents and fellow Rotarians to be more enthusiastic in contributing to the program. Moreover, through more sophisticated and warm hospitality, more young friends would prefer to come to Taiwan and learn to love this country, thus turning into the best spokespersons for Taiwan who are avidly willing to speak well for Taiwan. If that would be so, the understanding, friendship, and peace ideals of the Rotary would be just around the corner.